Länsimetro operates sustainably, ethically and lawfully under all circumstances. Länsimetro’s Code of Conduct guides us in our work, and sustainability is an integral part of daily activities at Länsimetro. Financials, management and administration practices, compliance with laws and regulations, procurements, risk management, communications and HR management have been appropriately arranged, and we comply with the principles of good governance. We operate openly and transparently.
Länsimetro’s management system is built from a sustainability perspective in accordance with the one-over-one principle. Read about Länsimetro’s organisation and decision-making.
Länsimetro is responsible for maintaining and developing an important public asset. That is why the financial planning, control and monitoring of Länsimetro’s operations are subject to a special responsibility. In the Financials section in Finnish, you can find financial statements and annual reports, among other things. The sustainability perspective will be an even more prominent part of operational reporting going forward.
Länsimetro has its own guidelines on anti-bribery and anti-corruption. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery, corruption and any type of criminal activity, and we are committed to acting fairly, professionally and with the highest integrity in all our relationships. Länsimetro does not condone any kind of dishonest behaviour, bribes, corruption or anti-competitive business practices. As the commissioning party of a significant public investment, Länsimetro wanted to be part of combatting the grey economy. During construction, Länsimetro worked in close co-operation with the Regional State Administrative Agency and the Finnish Tax Administration to combat the grey economy.
In its procurements, Länsimetro Oy abides by the Act on Public Contracts of Entities Operating in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors (i.e. Act on Public Contracts in the Utilities Sector). If the total value of a procurement exceeds the EU threshold, the contract is put out to tender. The European Commission revises the threshold values every two years, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 68 of the EU directive on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors, and publishes the revised thresholds in the Official Journal of the European Union. The current thresholds are:
- Supplies, services and design contests: EUR 431,000
- Public works contracts: EUR 5,382,000
Länsimetro is a responsible employer. In order for the experts to be able to take care of the metro infrastructure’s ownership and development every day and in the best possible way throughout its life cycle, the employer Länsimetro Oy looks after its employees throughout their employment relationship: we are a responsible and caring employer – from recruitment until the person moves on to other pursuits. Occupational health and safety, competence development and a sense of community, to name a few, are linked to responsibility during the employment relationship. We make sure that wages match the demands of the job and are fair and equitable. We always work in compliance with the law, collective agreements and other regulations.