
Travelling by metro

On HSL’s page you can find more information about travelling by metro: Journey Planner, tickets and fares, the locations of entrances and bus stops, park and ride spaces, the feeder network route and customer service.

HSL is responsible for planning and acquiring public transport for its operating area.


The Kivenlahti metro station is the metro’s western terminal. The station will be surrounded by new buildings in the ever-developing Kivenlahti district.

There are two entrances of the metro station: the Kivenlahdentori entrance and the western entrance. The Kivenlahdentori entrance is physically and functionally a free-standing building on the corner of Kivenlahdentori. The address is Meriusva 7.

The station’s western entrance was not opened to commuters yet, due to other ongoing construction in the area. This entrance will be opened once construction in the area around the entrance is completed. The western entrance is integrated with the planned Kivenlahti metro centre, and will essentially be underneath it.

The station and entrances are wheelchair-accessible.

Story of the Kivenlahti metro station

The metro station opened on Saturday 3 December 2022, when metro traffic on the Matinkylä–Kivenlahti section started up. The Kivenlahti metro station has the Kivenlahdentori entrance, the western entrance and technical buildings. The Kivenlahti metro station construction contract was implemented by Skanska Infra Oy.

In terms of style, the Kivenlahti metro station is a serene atmosphere with light colours. The brightness of the streetscape of Kivenlahti continues in the metro station with a serene atmosphere. ALA-Architects is responsible for the architectural design of the station. On the metro station platform, commuters are greeted by the “Kulkijat” (Wanderers) sculpture created by sculptor Kalle Mustonen. The sculpture consists of two wooden figures.

Kivenlahti as an area in Espoo

The metro station will be surrounded by new buildings in the ever-developing Kivenlahti district. Housing for 1,700 residents is planned for the area around the metro station. A new business centre that will also house the Laurea University of Applied Sciences is being built in the Kivenlahti metro centre. A sports and event centre is being built on the western side of the business centre.

The Kiviruukki area will be home to 12,000 new residents and bring 2,000 new jobs. A bio- and circular economy innovation cluster is also being built in Kiviruukki.