Co-operation with educational institutions

We co-operate with universities and other educational institutions. We see co-operation with educational institutions as an important part of building future working life and as a means of ensuring competence in tasks related to building, owning and developing metro infrastructure. With its expertise, Länsimetro contributes to ensuring that the metro remains an attractive and safe transport option and serves customers for decades to come. The future experts for these tasks are being trained already today, and Länsimetro wants to make its own contribution to their training and serve as a contact for working life during their studies.

Co-operation with educational institutions is also one way to stay on top of the developments in the field. Working with students brings new skills and fresh ideas and perspectives to Länsimetro. This co-operation is a valuable and informative experience for the entire organisation.

In practice, co-operation with universities and polytechnics consists of, for example, providing topics for and supervising final theses, project-based collaboration, lectures by experts, offering internships and participating in recruitment events.


Aalto University’s interior architecture students, for example, designed services and experiences for the metro stations as part of their project work – read more (only in Finnish).  Together with Kaitaa upper secondary school students, we carried out a street art project for an urban environment – read more (only in Finnish).

If your school has collaboration ideas, Länsimetro would love to hear about them. Contact Länsimetro’s Director of Construction, Janne Tuoma (, tel. 050 341 7627)