Travelling by metro
On HSL’s page you can find more information about travelling by metro: Journey Planner, tickets and fares, the locations of entrances and bus stops, park and ride spaces, the feeder network route and customer service.
HSL is responsible for planning and acquiring public transport for its operating area.
The Lauttasaari metro station is one of Länsimetro’s two metro stations in Helsinki.
The metro station has two entrances. The main entrance to the Lauttasaari metro station is situated in connection with the Lauttis shopping centre, at the cross-street of Kauppaneuvoksentie 16 and Otavantie 9. There is another entrance on the street Gyldénintie, on the east side of Lahnalahdenpuisto park, at the address Gyldénintie 2a.
The station and entrances are wheelchair-accessible.
Story of the Lauttasaari metro station
The Lauttasaari metro station opened on Saturday 18 November 2017, when metro traffic on the Ruoholahti–Matinkylä section started up. The metro station construction contract was implemented by Skanska Infra Oy.
The architectural design theme for the Lauttasaari station is water, but in the form of snow and ice. The themes for the Lauttasaari and Koivusaari stations are related. A column reminiscent of Lauttasaari’s old water tower was included in the architectural design of the column structure at Lauttis’s west entrance. The Lauttasaari metro station was designed by Helin & Co Architects.
Lauttasaari as an area in Helsinki
Lauttasaari is Helsinki’s southwesternmost district and has a population of 20,000. Approximately 8,000 jobs are located there.
The metro enabled the area’s development. For example, the new shopping centre Lauttis and three new apartment buildings replaced the old shopping centre.