Construction work on the West Metro is advancing in Lauttasaari. Work on the entrances of the future metro station will cause changes to the traffic arrangements on Gyldenintie and Otavantie. Underground services have already been diverted at the relevant locations.
On 11 January, Gyldenintie will be blocked at the site of the future station (Gyldenintie 2) and will no longer be a thoroughfare between Lauttasaarentie and Tallbergin puistotie. The properties along the street will remain accessible, however. Buses will use Särkiniementie instead. The footpath along Gyldenintie will remain open, being rerouted around the work site.
Otavantie will also be blocked between in week 2 of 2012 at the intersection of Otavantie and Kauppaneuvoksentie and will no longer be a thoroughfare between Lauttasaarentie and Tallbergin puistotie. The properties along the street will remain accessible, however. It will also still be possible to turn from Otavantie into Kauppaneuvoksentie towards Gyldenintie. The footpaths along the street will remain open, being rerouted around the work site.
The work sites will be fenced, first temporarily and then with the West Metro orange work site fence. Some parking spaces will be eliminated on both Gyldenintie and Otavantie because of the work site arrangements.
This situation will continue until late 2013.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Map showing the new route on Helsingin seudun liikenne web page
Further information:
Contractor: Kalliorakennus-Yhtiöt Oy, Work Foreman Meeri Pöllänen, tel. 050 341 1980, meeri.pollanen(at)
Länsimetro, CEO Matti Kokkinen, tel. 050 347 1558, matti.kokkinen(at)