Summary of Länsimetro’s meeting of the Board of Directors on 22 January 2020

The CEO presented to the Board of Directors the 2019 status report and annual report on the ownership of the Ruoholahti–Matinkylä section owned by Länsimetro Oy. Key events included: The Länsimetro Oy – HKL cooperation agreement was signed in accordance with the renewed financial model on 27 November 2019, a new information management system was developed and introduced in 2019 and the modernisation of the electronic maintenance log was begun. The southern entrance of the Tapiola station was completed and opened to the public in April 2019, the bomb shelter for the Matinkylä station’s service tunnel was completed and received a commissioning permit at the turn of 2019/2020, the wall structures directing air flow in the Matinkylä station’s eastern escalator lobby were completed in spring 2019, the frame of Matinkylä station’s western entrance was completed in autumn 2019 and moved on to the decoration phase (estimated completion during 2020), the alteration work on the eastern stair connection at the Urheilupuisto station (changing an emergency exit into an entrance) is expected to be completed in February 2020.

The Board was presented the Q4 ownership risk report and annual summary.

The CEO presented the monitoring of administrative and maintenance performance carried out by HKL on the Ruoholahti–Matinkylä section of the West Metro. No traffic disturbances resulted from the West Metro’s infrastructure. HKL not only operates the metro traffic but also reports to Länsimetro Oy on the use of the metro line and the stations and the related servicing and maintenance tasks as agreed.

The Board was presented with the annual review for 2019 for the Matinkylä-Kivenlahti section under construction and the key focal areas for 2020. Key events in 2019 were: The construction of the frame structures of the stations and rail line has proceeded according to schedule, the HVAC and electricity work at the stations and on the rail line started up at all the sites, subcontract work started up, procurements were completed, the number of employees at the worksites exceeded 1,000 (now 1,174 persons) and the construction work at the Sammalvuori depot was completed during 2019. As a whole, construction of the Matinkylä–Kivenlahti section is progressing in line with the project plan’s schedule and budget. Read more about the construction schedule and phases.

In 2020, the focus of construction will be on technical systems, the commencement of rail technology contracts, the starting of the commissioning of the Sammalvuori depot and completion of the depot, an increase in the number of worksite employees and the continued focus by Länsimetro Oy, as a responsible developer, on occupational safety. During 2020, the commissioning phase planning will be finalised and further efforts will be made to improve the quality of internal communications and the flow of information.

A risk management report on the construction of the Matinkylä–Kivenlahti section was presented to the Board.

Länsimetro Oy’s management and owner organisation’s personnel survey was presented to the Board. The aim was to look into the personnel’s coping at work and work motivation, the clarity of their job descriptions and tasks and their perceptions concerning the organisation’s functioning and its leadership practices.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on 27 February 2020.

Further information:
Olli Isotalo, Chairman of the Board of Länsimetro Oy, tel. +358 (0)50 593 3359
Ville Saksi, CEO, Länsimetro Oy, tel. +358 (0)40 823 2086
Media contacts: Satu Linkola, Communications Director, tel. +358 (0)46 877 3392