New project engineer for Design Team: “Unique opportunity to participate in a project like this”

Juha Hakulinen (MSc Energy Technology) took on the role of project engineer for design management in the West Metro project. In his work as a project engineer, Hakulinen will assist in the design management of the Espoonlahti, Kivenlahti and Kaitaa stations and the related project coordination. In addition, he will assist in the monitoring of the sites’ planning costs and timetables for design requirements.

Hakulinen’s previous experience includes industrial investment projects for Neste Jacobs and Sweco Industry. He also has experience in rebuilding and expansion projects.

“The metro project appealed to me because it is a new area for me and offers valuable experience. You might say that it is a unique opportunity to participate in a project like this. It is interesting and responsible work when your job is to build a metro that transports so many people and needs to be reliable,” says Hakulinen.

“Building a metro naturally involves environmental values and energy efficiency. The electric motors of the trains, the stations’ ventilation and the escalators’ motors are some examples of areas that need energy to operate. There are air flows and heat transfer between different materials in the metro tunnels – energy is present at every stage,” Hakulinen adds.

As a project engineer on the Design Team, Hakulinen’s days are spent mostly at Länsimetro’s big room.

“People have been really friendly since day one. Soon I will get to visit the worksite,” says Hakulinen.