Technical construction work at the Sammalvuori depot is nearing the finish line, with more than 90 per cent of the work completed already. Roughly half of the technical building services work at the depot is completed, which means that as of May 2019, the entire depot is just under 80 per cent completed.
Two underground halls are being constructed at the Sammalvuori depot – one for the night-time storage of 20 trains, the other for maintenance facilities.
“Right now, the most important work phases are the technical building work in their various forms – for instance, connecting the equipment and carrying out tests. The fire seal work on the interface of the technical building services and support structures are also an important and current work phase,” says Minna Alantie, the Sammalvuori depot’s project engineer.
Preparing in autumn for joint test runs in 2020
The remaining construction work involves, among other things, landscaping the surrounding areas of the depot, steel structural work in the halls, door fittings and finishing the slab track. Cable work and connections will be carried out until the end of 2019.
“The last concrete castings will take place in summer and autumn. In addition, technical construction work on the steel platforms and structural steel work on the maintenance levels are being prepared. In autumn, we will also prepare for technical system test runs and for joint test runs that are scheduled for next year,” says Alantie.
The design, excavation, construction and technical buildings services for the depot were executed by the Sammalvuori Consortium (Kalliorakennus-Yhtiöt Oy, EM Pekkinen Oy, Konevuori Oy and Aro-Systems Oy). The excavation and construction contract started in 2016 and is expected to be completed in 2020.