The construction contract for the Finnoo station on the Matinkylä-Kivenlahti-section of the West Metro has been won by Työyhteenliittymä Graniittirakennus Kallio Oy and Aki Hyrkkönen Oy. The total contract price is approximately EUR 58 million.
The contract will involve the construction of the Finnoo underground station, a service tunnel and the related connecting tunnel excavations, as well as the Meritie and Finnoonsilta entrances. In addition, an eastern and western technology shaft and extinguishing route shaft will be built.
The surface area of the facilities to be built is around 22,000m2. A total of around 11,000m3 of concrete will be cast and over 4,000 m2 of various elements installed. Finnoo is set to become a neighbourhood of 17,000 residents stretching from the Länsiväylä motorway to the sea, with a centre of around the metro station. Account will be taken of the protected bird wetland in Finnoo during construction. For example, no noisy work will be done in the area during the birds’ breeding season.
The Finnoo station will be built by the consortium GRK Oy and Aki Hyrkkönen Oy. GRK also won the tender for the railway line construction work. Work on the line began in the summer of 2018.
“The construction of the Finnoo station will create synergies and continuity in the line construction already being done by GRK. The consortium will provide the customer with the broad experience and expertise of two organisations. Construction of the Finnoo station will benefit from the GRK’s infra and rail expertise and Aki Hyrkkönen Oy’s strengths in technical building services and office building”, says Teemu Lantto, CEO of GRK Oy.
Construction is progressing in line with the objectives during the second phase.
“Construction is on schedule and within the cost estimate. Work has begun in Soukka, in Kivilahti, in Kaitaa and on the metro line. A contractor with project management responsibility will be also chosen for the Espoonlahti station this year. Over 60 percent of the technical construction work for the Sammalvuori Depot has already been completed”, says Ville Saksi, CEO of Länsimetro Oy.
In March 2018, the City of Espoo reviewed its project plan for the second phase from 2012. The revised cost estimate for the entire project is EUR 1,159 million. The goal is to hand over the seven-kilometre rail line together with its five stations and depot to the operator, HKL, during 2023.
More information:
Ville Saksi, CEO, Länsimetro Oy, tel. +358 (0)40 823 2086,
Teemu Lantto, CEO of GRK Oy, tel. +358 (0)40 772 7271,
Aki Hyrkkönen, CEO of Aki Hyrkkkönen Oy, tel. +358 (0)400 174 295,