Exceptional traffic arrangements on Sammentie starting the week of 16 November

The construction of a pipeline to the Riilahti shaft of the West Metro began in August 2020 with the removal of trees. At the end of the week of 16 November (week 47), exceptional traffic arrangements will begin on Sammentie, on the blue area marked on the map, due to the construction of the pipeline’s stormwater connections. Traffic will go back to normal and the area of Sammentie in question will be covered with asphalt by the end of December.

We apologise for any inconvenience the work may cause.

Further information

Rail line contractor, GRK Infra Oy 24/7 direct phone line to the worksite: +358 (0) 50 516 7606

Länsimetro’s feedback line (Mon–Fri, 9 am to 1 pm): +358 (0)50 377 3700