Changes to traffic at Keilaniemi

Pipe and cable work will be carried out at Keilaniemi in connection with west metro construction. This will give rise to temporary street arrangements and route changes on Keilaniementie and Keilalahdentie and in the harbour area at Keilasatama.

Where work is in progress traffic will be diverted to the other side of the road. The route will remain open throughout.

The work is due for completion in autumn 2011.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Further information:
Contractor: Yleinen Pohjarakennus Oy, Mika Harju, Site Manager, tel. +358 400 400 990,
Länsimetro Oy / Sweco PM Oy: Jari Kankanen, Supervisor, tel. +358 50 344 1163, .