A large graffiti work of art to Matinkylä

When walking along Suomenlahdentie in Matinkylä one runs into a big seagull behind Iso Omena. The bird covers the entire wall and stands out from its environment. The painting is located on the Länsimetro access tunnel’s building.

The artist Emilio Mäkipää is putting the finishing touches on the seagull, spray can in hand. In June, he is realizing an extensive graffiti project at Länsimetro’s request. In addition to the seagull, a second wall features the underwater world, and a third wall has creatures of the forest painted onto it. The main entrance will be painted in more subdued hues of beige, orange and red.

“Before starting the job, I asked Facebook’s Puskaradio Espoo group and people around Iso Omena about the animals they would like to see. The same wishes came up on the Internet and face to face. Residents especially asked for seaside views, swans and seagulls”, says Mäkipää.

In addition to the shore, on the other side of the building by the promenade, foxes and a robin stare at people passing by. The robin was also something the residents especially wanted to see.

The painting project has already progressed far. It has lasted five days, and a few more days are needed to finish. The finishing touches of the background painting and adding details still remain to be done.

“I will add some graphic style along the edges. It will blend slowly to the foggier pictures”, says Mäkipää.

The paintings are made to stand the test of time. A graffiti will last up to five years when necessary. Resilience is necessary as the entrance to the entire access tunnel will be located under and in the middle of subsequent buildings. The area will contain, for example, a school and an indoor swimming pool.

Further information: Länsimetro feedback phone number (Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00): +358 (0)50 377 3700