Project acquires new talent – construction supervisor and electrical expert for Finnoo and project engineers for Kivenlahti and procurement team

New employees have started work on the West Metro project: Heli Niesniemi as a project engineer, Juha Mäkipirtti as a construction supervisor at the Finnoo station, Jari Järvinen as an electrical expert at the Finnoo station and  Anna-Stina Tähkävuori as a project engineer at Kivenlahti.

Heli Niesniemi works in purchases. The purchases for the construction phase of the West Metro have been divided into building contacts and subordinated subcontracts, such as lifts and escalators. Niesniemi focuses on concluding subordinated subcontracts in her work.

Having graduated as a Master of Science in Technology from Aalto University, she is also studying law at the University of Helsinki.

“A knowledge of law is useful in this job. I have explored competition law and public procurement in my studies, and therefore procurement law has become familiar in this area, too. This is a dream job in that it combines expertise from both degrees,” says Niesniemi, who is completing a Master of Laws degree.

Niesniemi has previous worked as a contractor at NCC, where she advanced from the worksite to managerial duties. She has subsequently participated in many infrastructure projects at Sweco PM.

“When the opportunity to become involved in the metro project came along, I joined enthusiastically. This is a unique and extremely interesting project that will have a considerable impact on people’s daily life,” says Niesniemi.

New building and a long-term project awakened interest

Civil engineer Juha Mäkipirtti works as a construction supervisor at the Finnoo station. He ensures that the contractor adheres to the plans and agreements and complies with good building practice.

Mäkipirtti has approximately four and a half years’ experience in supervisory work at Demaco Oy. He has supervised the construction of, e.g. hospitals, schools, data centres and shopping centres. Prior to this, he worked at YIT in site management within home construction for over 20 years.

“I’m interested in new building, which is what the metro, too, represents. I also enjoy long-term projects, and station construction shares many similarities with shopping centre construction,” Mäkipirtti says.

Heli Niesniemi ja Juha Mäkipirtti

Bringing experience via Singapore and Italy to the West Metro

Electrical expert Jari Järvinen works on the West Metro project as a consultant for Rakennuttajatoimisto HTJ Oy. Before this, he worked as a construction project manager in project management contracting for commercial construction at Skanska, and has participated in the construction of refineries at Neste Jacobs as a site manager and supervisor.

Järvinen has over 30 years’ experience in the electricity sector. He also spent approximately five years abroad working in a power plant project in Thailand and in an oil refinery project in Singapore. The process of designing of the refinery was carried out in Italy, where Järvinen also lived.

The West Metro interested me, as this is a large and long-term project. I have previously been involved in major projects, and so this felt like my own area.

Metro part of the future transport system

Anna-Stina Tähkävuori will return to the project after her maternity leave. She has been with the project organisation since 2012 working in design control. Already before this, the metro became familiar in her work as an excavation contract site engineer with YIT. Her work will now continue as a project engineer in the Kivenlahti site organisation.

Tähkävuori will be responsible in the construction phase for scheduling of the Kivenlahti station, cost monitoring and quality assurance. Once the building contract has started, some of her working hours will be spent on the site working in close cooperation with the contractors.

Tähkävuori is a Bachelor of Engineering. In conjunction with working, she is continuing her studies by completing a Master’s degree in the transport sector at Häme University of Applied Sciences. Tähkivuori is specialising in future transport systems. The study programme considers how digitalisation and automation as well as transport services will affect mobility in the future.

“The metro, for its part, is part of the transport of the future. Länsimetro is a brilliant place in which to learn, as one gets to see so many different areas of construction and how a major project progresses,” Tähkävuori says.

Jari Järvinen ja Anna-Stina Tähkävuori