Preparing for the coronavirus (COVID-19)

At Länsimetro Oy and the Matinkylä-Kivenlahti project, we are closely monitoring the coronavirus guidelines and recommendations issued by authorities and we have drawn up instructions concerning our operations in accordance with the official guidelines. At our construction worksites, operations are conducted in good collaboration as instructed by each responsible contractor.

The situation is new and exceptional for all of us. It is important now to follow instructions and behave responsibly.

Work on the second phase of the West Metro, the Matinkylä-Kivenlahti section, is currently progressing according to schedule. The Sammalvuori depot has moved on to the testing phase. HVAC and electrical work is being performed at the five stations and on the 7.5-km rail line, and the installation of the West Metro’s over 50 different systems is underway.

Work on the Matinkylä station’s western entrance is also progressing.  The entrance is scheduled for completion at the end of this year.