Länsimetro preparing for joint test runs of stations

Construction of stations is almost complete. Joint test runs of stations will begin at the Aalto University Station in early September. Preliminary tests have been conducted at the station in advance to ensure the preconditions for the joint test runs. Tests by contractors and the client’s operational tests will continue at other stations.

The last phase will be a joint test run. The joint test run will ensure that the metro is safe to use and that all systems function together. In addition the station tested, the joint test run will test the functioning of adjacent stations and the metro line as a whole. System operations will be trialled using several emergency drills. Particular attention will be paid to restoring systems to normal after incidents. Testing will take several days. The joint test run will include the suppliers of various systems, contractors and the emergency services if necessary. The situation will be monitored on site and in the Herttoniemi metro control room, where the metro’s operations and traffic are overseen.

The opening schedule for the metro will be specified in October after sufficient tests have been performed. The Helsinki and Espoo City Rescue Departments will approve the security systems, based on the test results. After this, the cities’ building authorities are free to approve the use of the stations and the rail tunnels. Helsinki City Transport (HKL) will ensure that the track engineering security systems, including semaphore systems and indicators, are working properly. According to the current estimate, the metro will be ready for passenger traffic by January 2017 at the latest. Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) will decide when passenger traffic begins and when feeder bus lines start operating.

Ventilation shafts as high as the Helsinki Olympic Stadium tower

Each station is a vast entity. Some 10,000 cubic metres of concrete has been cast at each station. The platform is 90 m long and 12-16 metres wide. Technical systems at both ends of the platform occupy approximately the same space on several floors.

The enclosed picture shows the Tapiola metro station placed at Helsinki Olympic Stadium. The ventilation shafts are approximately as high as the Stadium tower and the passenger hall covers almost one half of the Stadium field. Eight of such stations have been built.

Photomontage: APRT Arkkitehtityöhuone Artto Palo Rossi Tikka Oy.