Board of Länsimetro Oy, summary of decisions 16 March 2017

The situational picture of the commissioning of the first phase of the West Metro was presented to the Board of Länsimetro Oy at the meeting held on 16 March. The project is progressing in accordance with the schedule estimate.

An updated forecast of the final cost of the project was presented to the Board. The situation in March is that the final cost estimate updated at the end of 2016 will be sufficient to complete the project. The final cost forecast has taken into account various needs, including the need of spare parts, facility services, which must be in place before traffic is initiated. In addition,  unexpected expenditure items have been provided for.

The Board approved the costs relating to HKL’s test runs. The test runs ensure the system’s functionality and conformity.

The Board placed on record that the second phase´s market dialogue for the acquisition of  construction projects will begin with contractors next week.

The Board signed Länsimetro Oy’s statement of accounts. It was also communicated that the loan withdrawals previously approved by the Board were implemented on 13 March.

The Board were shown how the Länsimetro organisation was confirmed in accordance with the plan submitted previously. As from January, a risk management project engineer, two real estate development managers and a public relations officer began work within the project. Another two real estate development managers, an architect and a quality manager will be recruited.

The Board were informed about the revamp of the website, measures to increase the efficiency of internal communications and other spring communication themes.

The Board also discussed the report that it had commissioned on the costs and schedule delays. Assessment and preparation of the report’s publication is still continuing The report will publish on the basis of a lawyer’s assessment everything that can be published without causing damage to the company or to the company’s owners. The report will be presented to the company’s owners prior to publication.

The next Board meeting will be held on 13 April 2017.

Further information:

Ville Saksi, MD, Länsimetro Oy, tel. +358 (0)40 823 2086

Olli Isotalo, Chairman of the Board of Länsimetro Oy, tel. +358 (0)50 593 3359

Media contacts: Satu Linkola, Communications Director, tel. +358 (0)46 877 3392