
The metro employs thousands

The construction of the metro has a significant effect on employment. During the whole project, the west metro will employ hundreds of designers. The construction of the west metro will employ a significant number of construction workers. It is estimated that the project will require a total of about 6,000 person years.

The cities have agreed on a mutual distribution of costs along the city limit, using the principle that each party meets the construction costs related to its own area. The costs will be divided so that Espoo’s share is ca. 85 per cent and Helsinki’s share is ca. 15 per cent.


The final cost estimate of the metro from Ruoholahti to Matinkylä is EUR 1,186 million. The Government has agreed to cover 30 per cent of the west metro construction costs. However, the Government has set the maximum limit of construction costs at EUR 200 million.


The Matinkylä-Kivenlahti section’s cost estimate is available for inspection at the owner, the City of Espoo.