Irregular construction-work schedule at the Kivenlahti metro station on Wednesday, 29 May, and Thursday, 30 May (Ascension Day).

Work on the Kivenlahti construction contract in the West Metro project will take place on Wednesday, 29 May, and on Thursday, 30 May (Ascension Day).

Extensive concrete work will begin on Wednesday, starting at 7.00 am, and will continue until midnight at the latest.

On Thursday, weather protection will be dismantled between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm. Although this will be a quiet work phase, cranes have been erected at the top of both entrance shafts for the duration of the work. The regular work schedule will be followed on Saturday, 1 June, between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the construction work.

Further information:

Ville Sihvonen, Skanska Infra Oy: +358 (0)50 911 2591

Länsimetro’s feedback line (Mon–Fri, 9 am to 3 pm): +358 (0)50 377 3700