Kalliorakennus-Yhtiöt Oy, the excavation contractor at the Kivenlahti site, has been named the West Metro’s Safest worksite. The review period of the competition was from 1 July to 31 December 2017. The competition is organised semi-annually and its participants are all current West Metro worksites.
The prize is a gilded piece of rail track, engraved with the name of the winning contractor.
The award is granted on the basis of accident frequency monitoring and civil engineering worksite safety level (MVR) measurements. MVR measurements are carried out weekly on sites to measure different factors affecting safety, such as worksite cleanliness, condition of machinery and equipment, storage facilities, and protective equipment.
The worksite with the best ranking scores in accident frequency monitoring and MVR measurements is named the winner. MVR results are given a weight of 80% in the ranking, while accident frequency monitoring carries a weight of 20%.
“It feels good to receive this award for the second time already,” says Panu Oikkonen from Kalliorakennus-Yhtiöt Oy.