Excavation work for Sammalvuorenportti shaft begins

The actual excavation work at the Sammalvuori metro depot, i.e.  the Sammalvuorenportti shaft, will start in week 7. The shaft worksite area is located between Kivenlahdentie and Länsiväylä, close to the ABC service station. The excavation of the shaft will be carried out through the tunnel below. Work at the shaft began in October 2016 with the superstructure construction work followed by open excavation above ground.

Further information:

24-hour hotline for the site, Sammalvuori consortium, tel. +358 50 343 7233

Site Manager Juha Selin, juha.selin@kalliorakennus.com
Länsimetro feedback phone number (Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00) +358 50 377 3700