The excavation work on the West Metro has now passed the halfway mark. To date, 13,191 m or just over half of the underground metro tunnels has been excavated. The West Metro line will consist of twin tunnels 13.9 km in length.
The station halls at Otaniemi, Keilaniemi and Koivusaari stations have also been nearly excavated. 83% of the tunnelling on the Helsinki side and 36% on the Espoo side has been completed. The tunnel excavations will be ready in 2013.
“Work on the metro will continue as normal over the summer. The tunnelling is proceeding at a rate of about 1 km per month. Construction work on the stations will begin in the autumn, and during 2013 the focus will increasingly shift to building construction,” says Matti Kokkinen, CEO of Länsimetro Oy.
Excavation progress can be monitored at the West Metro website, -> Work progress.
Further information
Länsimetro, CEO Matti Kokkinen, tel. 050 347 1558