Crushing begins at the Hyljetie shaft

SRV Infra will start crushing rock material at the address Hyljetie 1, next to Länsimetro’s Kaitaa worksite. The crushing will begin in week 39. Rudus Oy will be in charge of the crushing.

The work may be done in two parts, with an interval of 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the amount of rock. It is probable, however, that the work will continue without a break on weekdays for a period of 49 days.

The working hours at the crushing site are Monday to Friday, 7.00 to 18.00.

Water jets will be used to control dust, as they effectively bind dust generated in the crushing operation.

Further information:

SRV Infra Oy, Project Manager, Ville Järvinen, +358 (0)400 128 688
SRV Infra Oy, Supervisor, Jouni Uusipuro, +358 (0)440 330 658
SRV Infra Oy, Site Manager, Risto Hast, +358 (0)400 459 827