Construction of the Matinkylä–Kivenlahti section will begin

Construction work for the second stage of the West Metro line will begin in June 2018. Excavation of the rail line was completed at the beginning of the year. The work will be carried out by Graniittirakennus Kallio Oy.

The work will begin with the construction of a worksite base at the Hyljetie shaft (Hyljetie 6, 02260 Espoo). Rail tunnel structures are being simultaneously built for three sections: Matinkylä to Kaitaa, Kaitaa-Espoonlahti and Espoonlahti-Kivenlahti.

Construction of the track will begin from the bearing courses and concrete structures of the tunnel. Structures such as supporting wall elements and various cables will be built into the tunnel later, and electrical and HVAC works will be added. The end-stage of the construction work will include bringing blocks and ballast into the tunnel and fitting the rails into place. This will be done as part of the superstructure contract assigned to the main contractor of the line.

In addition to the seven-kilometre line of the Matinkylä-Kivenlahti section, the contract will include the construction of seven shaft buildings and 32 connecting tunnels with fire barriers.

During construction, there will be an increase in construction traffic around the mouths of the shafts and access tunnels. Otherwise, construction will cause no major changes in the surrounding environment.

During the construction phase, quiet work may be done around the clock, but noisy work may be done according to the noise permit issued by the Espoo Environment Agency:

  • weekdays from Monday to Friday, 7am-6pm
  • weekdays 6pm-10pm and 9am-6pm on non-bank holiday Saturdays (on up to 10 Saturdays), if the noise level of the work is a maximum of 35dB in nearby residences

The construction phase of the West Metro’s Matinkylä-Kivenlahti section is scheduled for the years 2019-2021. The building phase will include five stations, the track and the Sammalvuori depot, as well as the installation of various systems. Joint use tests and official inspections will be carried out during the years 2022-2023, and the works will be handed over by the building contractor. In 2023, the line and stations will be handed over to the operator, i.e. HKL, in order to begin running passenger traffic.

Worksite areas

Further details on tunnel construction

Further information:

Länsimetro feedback phone number (Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00), +358 (0)50 377 3700